Humanitarian help for Ukraine
Humanitarian help for Ukraine

Humanitarian help for Ukraine

Humanitarian help for Ukraine

Ukraine is at war, war for our freedom but also for European freedom and democracy. People of Ukraine are in a big need of humanitarian aid. This web page is created by independent volunteers in coordination with Foundation of Ukrainians in the Netherlands. This page is updated daily with verified information from the Foundation and helps you to answer question “How can i help?”. Want to help? look below ⬇️


What do we need?

Bring in bulk, not used and not from your prescription.

Please, don’t bring Clothes, liquids like water or juice, Prescribed/opened medication and toys. FOOD only with long shelf life. (Canned food, instant noodles, baby nutrition, etc

Where do we need it?

Hotline Support ✉️ [email protected]
🎗️Financial Support🌐Public databasesHumanitaire hulp voor OekraïneHumanitaire hulp voor Oekraïne
📦Humanitarian Aid
Stichting Oekraïners in Nederland

NL97 INGB 0006 5104 66


ING Bank Address: Bijlmerdreef 106, 1102 MG, Amsterdam, Netherlands

KVK: 60054050 ANBI: 853747945